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Start Jupyter notebook in a Conda environment

You must run different projects on separate environments. The environments include the conda and pip packages and their dependencies.

For why, see Why you should use a virtual environment for EVERY python project


  • Install Anaconda or miniconda
  • Terminal (cmd/PowerShell/bash) with the directory set to your code

Check the list of environments

conda env list

Switching between environments works as simply as typing conda activate [NAME] and if done with it deactivating it (and going back to the base environment) with conda deactivate.

Create environment

The following command creates an environment named myenv followed by a particular version of Python and the list of packages:

conda create -n myenv python=3.9 scipy=0.17.3 astroid babel


Install all the programs that you want in this environment at the same time. Installing one program at a time can lead to dependency conflicts.

Create an environment from a environment.yml file

Create the environment from a environment.yml file:

conda env create -f environment.yml

The name of the enironment can be in the environment.yml file.

To verify that the environment was successfully created, use:

conda info --envs

But what if it fails

You might face ResolvePackageNotFound: failure while creating your environment.

You can add those dependencies to the dependencies | pip section in your environments.yml file.

For more details, see Setting Up a Conda Environment in Less Than 5 Minutes.

Activate environment

conda activate myenv
jupyter notebook

Best practices with Conda

We recommend that you:

  • Use pip only after conda
  • Install as many requirements as possible with conda then use pip.
  • Pip should be run with --upgrade-strategy only-if-needed (the default).
  • Do not use pip with the --user argument, avoid all users installs.

Use conda environments for isolation

  • Create a conda environment to isolate any changes pip makes.
  • Environments take up little space thanks to hard links.

Care should be taken to avoid running pip in the root environment.

  • Recreate the environment if changes are needed
  • Once pip has been used, conda will be unaware of the changes.

To install additional conda packages, it is best to recreate the environment.

  • Store conda and pip requirements in text files
  • Package requirements can be passed to conda via the --file argument.

Pip accepts a list of Python packages with -r or --requirements.

Conda env will export or create environments based on a file with conda and pip requirements.


You can put the pip requirements into your environment. Add - pip: to the dependencies followed by the list of pip packages you will need. For example:

name: myenv
    - defaults
    - pandas
    - numpy
    - pip:
        - hdfs==1.90

Set up your dockerfile

You can use your environments.yml file to build out your Docker (or Podman) container. Here is a stub for an environment:

FROM continuumio/miniconda3
ADD environment.yml /tmp/environment.yml
RUN conda env create -f /tmp/environment.yml
# Pull the environment name out of the environment.yml
RUN echo "source activate $(head -1 /tmp/environment.yml | cut -d' ' -f2)" > ~/.bashrc
ENV PATH /opt/conda/envs/$(head -1 /tmp/environment.yml | cut -d' ' -f2)/bin:$PATH

For more information, see Conda Environments with Docker.
