GitOps for Advanced Cluster Management (ACM)
One Touch Provisioning across Multi-Cloud makes the deployment and maintenance of a multi-cloud environment beginning with the hitting of one big red button (figuratively). This starts provisioning a platform that provides:
- Cluster and Virtual Machine Provisioning capabilities
- Governance and policy management
- Observability of Clusters and workload
- Deployment of applications, such as IBM Cloud Paks, all within a single command.
The following illustration shows how the parts of the project work together.
This method/pattern is an opinionated implementation of the GitOps principles, using the latest and greatest tooling available.
Business value
Codified, Repeatable and Auditable deployment of complex systems, such as Cloud Paks across multiple clusters.
Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management Hub and Spoke Clusters Concept
The project leverages two Open Source technologies to underpin the functionality within this pattern.
- ArgoCD (aka OpenShift Gitops)
- Open Cluster Management (aka Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management or RHACM).
The following diagram shows the Hub and Spoke architecture.
Next steps
See One Touch Provisioning across Multi-Cloud on GitHub.